Building Self-Confidence in Business

Building Self-Confidence in Business

Self-confidence is something that every business owner has struggled with, whether it’s doubting their own abilities or not valuing the services they deliver to their clients.

I know for me, I’ve struggled with my own self-confidence in my business for years. I had that self-doubt of not being good enough for certain clients, or not being smart enough to solve their problems. This therefore caused me to lower my prices and take on clients whom I knew weren’t a good fit.

But the good thing is I found the solution and eventually overcame this type of thinking.

If you feel this resonates with you, here are three keys you can use to build your self-confidence as a professional/business owner:


#1 - Ensure that you have the ability and the training to do the type of work that you're offering your clients. Let’s say you sell Accounting services and one of your clients asks you to download and customize a few reports from QuickBooks. But you may not know how to do this, thus making you feel unconfident in your abilities and in yourself. You then begin to have negative thoughts about yourself, when in fact all you needed to do was get the extra training in QuickBooks so you can deliver this service to your client.


#2- Listen to the feedback from your clients on what they are saying about you and your service. For me this helped boost my confidence tremendously. Whenever clients commended me on my work or when I heard that they told others that they were impressed by my service, it made me think "Hey, I know what I'm doing." Their feedback helped me to validate my own abilities in the work I was giving my clients.


#3 – After getting the training and the client feedback, take action to change your inner thoughts about who you are as a professional/Business owner. If you know that you have the training and knowledge to deliver, and if you know that your clients are happy and spreading the good word about you, then take the action to shift your mind and let yourself know that you are good at what you do.


Remember that self-confidence is something that’s all in the mind and fully within your control. While it is something you must build on over time, there is a guarantee that having good self-confidence will reap successful results.


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